
It’s now available, on the Amazon Kindle Store, the

Handbook of Ultrasonography in Dolphins

Abdomen, Thorax & Eye

Handbook of Ultrasonography in Dolphins Abdomen, Thorax & Eye

Handbook of Ultrasonography in Dolphins Abdomen, Thorax & Eye

Ultrasonography plays an important part in the modern-day cetacean medicine. This technique can provide valuable information on two levels: first as a source of data for use in preventative medicine and secondly as a diagnostic tool whenever the clinician is investigating the pathology. This handbook with the use of 307 images aims to cover all aspects of the essential requirements for the successful practice of ultrasonography in dolphins. As a result of our extensive experience and research, we have also produced the drawings used in this manual. In addition, the photos taken during necropsies should further facilitate potential users. 


Dolphin Anatomy - Drawing by Pietro Saviano

Dolphin Anatomy – Drawing by Pietro Saviano


It is possible to read the Handbook on your computer or on mobile devices.

Download the FREE Kindle Reading App for your device:
– Smartphones: iPhone & iPod Touch, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry
– Computers: Mac, Windows
– Tablets: iPad, Android, Windows 8

Free updated information!!!
When I update the e-handbook you will receive the free updated e-handbook on your Amazon account!!!